Tips For Short Distance Dating Or Long Distance Dating

We keep hearing from people that long distance dating relationships never last and that one should avoid them. Well, what most of them aren’t aware about is that it’s a stereotype.

I believe that if your relationship (whether be it short distance or long) doesn’t work, your love isn’t strong enough. It is infatuation at best. I have some personal experience which I want to share with you.

As I am a man, I will be telling you about it from a man’s perspective. However, each of the following points applies to the women as well.


If you don’t trust your partner, it will be a tough ride for you. In a long distance dating relationship, one cannot keep tabs on his partner. You don’t know where she goes after office. You don’t know whether she is in the place where she says she is.

You don’t know if there’s some new guy in her life. In short, you have no idea what your love is up to. Since you are miles away, you don’t have many options. All you can do is trust her. If your love is for real, then trust will keep your long distance relationship alive and kicking.


If you aren’t honest with your partner, don’t think for a moment that your relationship would last. And last if it does, it will be nothing less than a mess. A relationship based on lies hurts much more than it helps. Your lie will hurt all the more if your partner has always been honest with you.

If you have been truthful, then only you have the right to expect the same honesty from the other side. If you have lied in the past, it will come back to haunt you. One single lie could be the end of it. Be honest about everything. And don’t enter into a long distance dating relationship if your heart’s not one hundred percent in it.

Motivate each other

Long distance dating takes a heavy emotional toll on the people involved. There are times when you feel dejected. What comes handy in these situations is motivation. Even if you are far away from your partner, there are ways through which you could motivate her.

You could send her gifts on regular intervals. You could motivate her in her career. You could tell her what a wonderful person she is and how lucky you feel you are to be with her. Keep showing your love through any means possible. Let her know that your love hasn’t faded and that you would always stand by her.

Talk regularly

You have to talk regularly with each other. Tell her about your day. Tell her about your friends and who all you hang out with. Tell stories, crack jokes and take away your partner’s stress. Tell your partner how much she is missed. Remind her of the good times.

Talk about your future together. Also hear them out. If you think she wants to say something, be patient and let her do that. If you are the one who she keeps telling the everyday story of her life, then it’s quite obvious that you are the most important person for her. So just talk and keep her and yourself happy.

Meet whenever you can

When you can no longer remain away from her, it’s time to take a break and travel. It’s better to travel those miles than be dead in the water. Go to her as soon as you can. You could even surprise her by your unexpected presence.

Take her on a vacation and show her the time of her life. Make the trip into something which she can’t ever forget. Show her how much you care about her. Take out time from your busy schedule and go see her.

You spending your vacation with her would mean the world to her. Every time you meet her, it makes your relationship stronger.

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